Protecting our Community TOGETHER AS ONE.
“Firefighters are some of the most selfless public servants you will ever encounter.”
- Denis Leary
Our mission is to provide Fire Protection and Emergency Response to the very best of our ability, to all residents of Sherman County. The South Sherman Fire District is made up of residents of the community along with local farmers and ranchers who all volunteer their time for the safety and protection of Sherman County!
Ready to take the next step?
Are you ready to volunteer to protect your Community? South Sherman Fire District offers training courses, driving courses, and real-life experience alongside veterans with endless amounts of knowledge of the area, various terrains and Wildland Firefighting tactics. If you are ready, click the button below and we will send you a Volunteer Application.
Change is a process, not an event.
Do you want to help but don’t have the time to commit to volunteer? Make a donation to the South Sherman Fire District! Your generosity is what continues to move the District forward and helps us improve our training capabilities, safety equipment and Firefighting apparatuses. Your donation could help Chief Miller buy an enclosed cab for our new Ladder Truck!

“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
— John Wayne
Our main intention is Fire Prevention!
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